
I am a big Humus eater, I love it as a snack, on sandwiches as a mayo replacement, on toast, I’ve even turned it into a pasta sauce. It is so easy to make that I couldn’t tell you the last time I bought a pre-made pack. This version of Hummus is not a traditional method as it doesn’t use Tahini, and it uses my favorite trendy food, Aquafaba, but is a simplified version that’s still creamy and delicious.

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1 16oz can Chickpeas
1/2 can (8 oz) Aquafaba
2 cloves Garlic
2 tbs Olive Oil (you can add more to obtain an even creamier consistency)
1 tsp Hulled Sesame Seeds
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
Sea Salt

Start with the Sesame Seeds

There different types of sesame seeds, the ones you see above are hulled they are lighter in comparison to their “unhulled” counter parts which are darker from their outer shells still being intact. Toast the sesame seeds over medium head moving the seeds constantly in the pan as they will burn easily. Once toasted, they should be a light golden brown as seen below. Crush the seeds with a mortar & pestle.
In traditional Hummus, this is the first step in making Tahini, but we are only going

Traditionally you would add oil in order to obtain the consistency you might be accustomed to, but I’ve found that because I’m adding Aquafaba to the Hummus itself, I just add the ground powder into the blender.

Once you’ve finished mashing the toasted Sesame Seeds, like most of the recipes I love, it gets even easier from here. Add the can of Chickpeas, (I don’t peel them, typically you would want to to get a creamier consistency, but again that liquid gold - Aquafaba - does so much work for us) Aquafaba, Garlic Cloves (smash them first), Olive Oil (again, you can add more to obtain an even creamier consistency), Sea Salt & Fresh Black Pepper to taste.

Once the mixture is blended, feel free to add additional Olive Oil or Aquafaba to adjust consistency. If you’re looking for plain Hummus, your journey here ends - I use a rubber spatula to scrape the blender clean. The best thing I’ve come to love about Hummus is that not only is it delicious, but it’s also a blank canvas. Check out below for some perfect additions to this delicious dip.

Made on Sundays Plain Hummus.JPG

Everything But the Bagel Hummus
- Blend in an additional Garlic Clove
- Blend in 1 tsp Onion Powder
- Fold in Everything But the Bagel (I use Goldberg’s Bagels")

- Chipotle Chili Powder
- Your Favorite Hot Sauce (I like using 10 dashes of Cholula in combination with the Chipotle Pepper)

Lemon Pepper
- Blend in Juice of 1/2 Lemon
- Add Additional Fresh Cracked Black Pepper

- Grind 2 tbs Pignoli Nuts & a handful of fresh Basil leaves in the Mortar & Pestle & add to the blender (bonus points if you toast the Pignoli Nuts)
- Blend in an additional Garlic Clove
- Blend in 1/8 c of Parmesan Cheese
- Garnish with additional Olive Oil & Pignoli Nuts


Serving suggestions