Raspberry Jam

Quite possibly your new favorite spread for sandwiches, cheese toppings, my Raspberry Chocolate Bars, or any other sweet occasion.

Raspberry Jam

Raspberry Jam

1 Cup Raspberries
1 Cup Sugar
2 tsp Lemon Juice

- Add Sugar, Raspberries & Lemon to a pot over medium heat.

- Stir until the Sugar is completely melted and the Raspberries begin to dissolve into the mixture. Don’t let the mixture bubble over.

- Lower the heat to a simmer & allow to reduce, stirring occasionally, until the Jam begins to stick slightly to the back of your spoon (about 15 minutes).

- Allow to cool completely before storing in the fridge in an air-tight container.

Suggested Uses:
- Raspberry Chocolate Bars
- Spread over Pecorino Romano